
Starting point in Groningen at the Municipal Trailer slope next to Praxis Dampsterdiep.

Advice route

Route description

The route will take you past the Groningen fire station. If you continue sailing you will come across a small harbor where beautiful boats lie. From here you sail further and further into the inner city and the view also becomes more and more beautiful. After the harbor you approach a junction at which you go straight ahead. If you drive straight ahead you will reach the Groninger Museum (right) and on the left you will see the central train station. Also at the station there is the possibility to go to the toilet. If you keep going straight you will come to the rowing club. Here is enough space to turn the boat and to go back to the starting location. When you arrive at the rowing club you are on the water for 1 hour and now you have 1 hour to sail back.

If you do take a different route and you have to pass under a bridge, than this is on your own responsibility.

Service times for bridges in Groningen

Service times:

May 1 to October 1

  • Monday to Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00, 17:30 – 19:00
  • Sundays and holidays: From Reitdiep to Zuiderhaven: 09:00, 13:00 and 16:00 and from Zuiderhaven to Reitdiep: 10:30, 14:30 en 17:30 uur.

1 October to 1 May

  • Monday to Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00 en 13:00 – 16:00 uur.
  • Sundays and holidays: no service

If you take an alternative route and use bridges it’s your own responsibility to check these bridge operating times and to be on time.
We recommend to follow our advised route because our experience is that the service times can have some delays.